(3) Membership Payment Options

Submit the membership form and then select a payment option.

$79 a month

(paid on an Annual basis)

+ 1 time non refundable Application Fee of $99

For a first year total of    $1,047

(then, a reoccurring Annual Payment of $948  )

$89 a month

(paid on an Quarterly basis)

+ 1 time non refundable Application Fee of $99

For a first payment total of    $366

(then, a reoccurring Quarterly Payment of $267  )

$99 a month

(paid on an Monthly basis)

+ 1 time non refundable Application Fee of $99

For a first payment total of    $198

(then, a reoccurring Monthly Payment of $99  )

Your payment and membership information will need to be verified to be assigned a gate code and space.

When natural disasters hit and floods devastate a populated area the first on the scene for rescue and evacuation is the “Citizen Navy”, private owners of small watercraft who begin the process of saving lives and assisting with human and pet evacuations. In hurricanes and deeper water tragedy larger private watercraft join in immediately.

Soon to follow the relief effort is a caravan of motor homes and trailer homes providing housing and support services and counseling to victims and recovery teams. Finally, volunteer and paid professionals with trucks and trailers deliver supplies, manpower and professional services to begin the rebuilding process.

First Responders readily admit that without these voluntary citizen initiatives lives would be lost and restoration significantly delayed. The same pattern of volunteer engagement works for tornadoes, earthquakes, wildfires, tidal waves, civil unrest, and volcanic eruptions as well.

Citizens with travel and recreational lifestyles have created an important personal outreach and for some a ministry. Our recreational vehicle Disaster Service Ministry provides volunteer disaster services in times of need. Natural disasters and civil unrest, require a citizen rapid response network, willing to respond to citizens in need of life saving or life preserving services. Search, rescue, clean-up, repairs, counsel and prayer is facilitated by travel trailers, boats, trucks and service trailers and volunteers provide rescue, first-aid, clean-up, supply shipment, repair services, worker housing, victim housing, etc. 

As a VOLUNTARY aspect of your Membership, you can choose if participation is reasonable for you to consider or delayed response or to opt for non-participation.  The DSM Leadership team will attempt to communicate response options in coordination with local emergency response agencies and participating NGO’s.

Rapid response to natural and human disasters

                             Lifesaving, life-changing relief and recovery operations

                                 All volunteer force, plus needed paid professional restorations

                                     Extensive network of stabilizing, counseling, clean-up and repair

                                         Regionalized bases of staging, rapid response and coordinated action



United Christians Church of America has operated since January of 2008 as a church in accordance with the US Constitution. As the central part of its ministry the church offers visitors online sermons and teachings from across America via www.UnitedChristiansChurch.com. The online ministry has delivered over 3.7-million sermons and teachings via posted teaching videos. Many citizens who need an online church, rather than a brick-and-mortar location, have travel related careers or lifestyles. The Disaster Service Ministry outreach is a natural fit for the church and is managed by OutDoSto.

Through OutDoSto all Disaster Service Ministry members formally agree as a part of Membership registration to become a VOLUNTARY DSM participant and consider “calls to action” in times of need,  Consideration to local or for distant disaster relief situations to save lives, participate in recovery, clean-up  and reconstruction. Evangelism opportunities abound as the recreational community of “”fun focused citizens becomes more aware of the life-changing mission of Jesus Christ and how that applies to their personal life, right here and right now.






         Services  &



–  A Membership Ministry  for Disaster Relief, Recovery and Outreach  – 

Our Disaster Service Ministry / OutDoSto is authorized by the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution and further protected federally by the Religious Land Use And Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA), an Act of Congress in 2000 to safeguard the religious freedoms of faith organizations faced with local and state regulation.

 A Disaster Service Ministry

 of United Christians Church
